Prepared as a pulped natural, the fleshy mucilage remains on the coffee through drying to tone down the acidity and increase the body.
The JR brothers Jose and Pedro have won numerous awards from the Brazilian Specialty Coffee Association for their pulped naturals. We feel fortunate to have been able to pick up a few bags from the current crop as most are destined for Japan, Taiwan and Scandinavia. Enjoy!
Cupping Notes
- Milk chocolate finish and good body
- Little pronounced acidity with a velvety, lingering aftertaste
MJ Peters –
Just got the chance to try this one for the first time. I have to say I’m easily seduced by the coffees with a dark edge (big fan of Avalanche), but this one is more of a slow burn. It definitely grows on you with each sip. I enjoyed getting to savor this coffee in a totally different way. Brewed it in my French Press – nice and mellow.
srebmik (verified owner) –
Very light, no bite, and good for easing in to the morning. One to savor while reading Financial Times. I’ll miss this when it’s gone, so gentle.
Mick Hill –
Thank is indeed gentle..very delicate and mild. We should have this for the next few months..I have 3 more bags of green, so about 400lbs
Thomas Landfried (verified owner) –
A real treasure if you appreciate fine coffee.
Melissa Palmer (verified owner) –
I love having this to look forward to in the morning. Definitely not just any old coffee — those days are long past for me. Since Mick’s coffees are freshly roasted, I’ve taken to ordering smaller quantities and more often to preserve that flavor. I’m a sucker for silky smooth chocolate – so this coffee was made for me with the subtle smell, smooth bite, and aftertaste of milk chocolate. Mick, I’m pretty sure I’m your biggest fan…
Mick Hill –
Thanks Melissa! It’s a very unassuming coffee, quite delicate and defibitely has the milk chocolate aftertaste
jeanmfrank –
This coffee is very good. It‘s smooth, and for those of us who do not put anything in our coffee, it‘s great. I will buy this again.
Barbara (verified owner) –
Tried this for the first time. I love it! It is so light, but has a wonderful aroma and it is very smooth and gentle. I will definitely order this again!
Mick Hill –
Thanks Barbara, we agree. Very delicate. We like to brew it as French Press or stovetop espresso. I imagine it might be too light to properly appreciate in a regular drip brewer but brewed well as pourover or the methods just mentioned it’s very good. Buttery and smooth. Cheers! Mick